JML Engineering completed a biennial OSIM inspection of the Ouimet Canyon Road Bridge over Coldwater Creek for the Township of Dorion in 2014.
The existing structure was a two lane, triple span bridge consisting of steel girders with a transversely laminated timber deck supported by timber bent piers and timber pile and lagging abutments.
Significant structural deficiencies were observed during the inspection, including vertical separation of the laminated deck timbers, very severe corrosion of the steel girders with approximately 25% section loss at the flanges, and, most significantly, rotation of the south pier approximately 5-10 degrees out-of-plumb.
JML Engineering completed a structural evaluation of the bridge in its existing condition in accordance with the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code. Based upon the significantly deflected shape of the south pier, a load restriction of 5 Tonnes gross vehicle weight was recommended at the site.
JML Engineering investigated options to eliminate the load postings. A Pre-Design Report was prepared. It considered crossing location, horizontal and vertical alignment, span, width, navigability of the watercourse, fish habitat, environmental requirements, vehicular traffic during construction, hydrology and hydraulics, and various rehabilitation and replacement options.For the hydraulic design, the Ministry of Transportation Directive B-100 titled ‘Design Flood Criteria’ was considered. The Regional Storm was modelled using HEC-RAS software.
A multi-plate steel arch culvert on a steel pile foundation was deemed to be the preferred solution, based upon a combination of criteria such as ease of construction, improved centreline road profile, short construction timeline, two lane width at the crossing, improved hydraulic characteristics, off-site vehicular traffic detour, low initial construction cost, and minimal long-term maintenance.
In early 2018, the Township of Dorion was awarded Ontario Community Infrastructure Funding for the Replacement Ouimet Canyon Road Bridge Project.
JML Engineering provided detailed design drawings and specifications in OPSS format, obtained regulatory approvals, completed a Schedule B Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, tendering, and contract administration with occasional site inspection.
JML Engineering commenced work on the project in early 2018, and fast-tracked the detailed design, approvals, and tender documents. Tendering was completed by June 2018. Construction began in July 2018. Due to extreme flooding of the site which occurred in the fall of 2018, construction was deferred by the Township and completed the following summer of 2019.